
The Chemosvit Group consists of a group of companies involved in the production, converting and sales of flexible films intended for packaging and the electrotechnical industry, production and sales of plastics, recycled plastics, polypropylene yarn, machinery and packaging machines.
Problems faced
In 2016, Chemosvit experienced problems with the humidity level in their factory and had problems with static electricity. They wanted to reach a humidity level around 46 – 54%, and knew they would need humidification equipment to achieve this, but were in doubt what would be the best solution to their problem.
Chemosvit reached out to Realtime Technologies SK, s.r.o. , which is the Slovakian and Czeck distributor of Ikeuchi Europe. Realtime Technologies SK, s.r.o. advised Chemosvit to test Ikeuchi’s AKIMist® dry fog humidifier for a few months, to see if this could solve their issues. After testing AKIMist, Chemosvit was impressed with the reliability of the system and how it consistently keeps the humidity level between 46- 54%. In addition, Chemovit were also pleased with the low operational costs due to the energy efficiency of AKIMist, and the low maintenance requirements.
AKIMist® Dry Fog Humidifier
The dry fog AKIMist® humidifier, is a unique Japanese invention which offers full control of the humidity levels in a factory. It is an adiabatic humidifier, which means that it increases humidity by adding cold water to the air. AKIMist is known for its non-wetting abilities as the droplet size is less than 7.5μm. This means that the droplets are so small that they will bounce back without bursting on any surface. No risk of leakage or condensation. This is a very convenient ability in a factory with expensive machinery and materials which cannot get exposed to water or condense.
Advantages of AKIMist® Dry Fog Humidifier
- High energy effiency
- Non-wetting
- Cost efficient
- Low maintenance
- Easy to install
- Static electricity control
- Download catalog here