October 4, 2024

Problems with condense in a growing room

condense problem with cannabis

The build-up of condense in a growing room is a serious problem, and can lead to mold growth and growth deficiency. Since cannabis needs a quite high level of humidity (60-75% during the development stage) the downfall can sometimes be an increase in condense.

Ways to avoid condense in the cannabis growing room

  1. Proper ventilation

  2. Temperature control

  3. Dry fog humidifier

  4. Dehumidifier

  5. Seal the room



Ventilation is important to allow excess condense to leave the growing room.  In addition, a lot of the equipment in a growing room, such as lights, will generate heat and increase the temperature.

ventilation to avoid condense in growing room


Temperaure control cannabis

Temperature control 

It is important to avoid drastic changes in temperature in a growing room. If the temperature drops too quickly, the cannabis plants will evaporate condense on the leaves. This is because the leaf surface temperature is then below the dewpoint.



dry for humidifier to avoid condense in growing room

Dry fog humidifier

By using a dry fog humidifier you can avoid condense in the first place. The droplets from a dry fog humidifier are so small (less than 7.5μm) that they do not burst and create condense. Most other humidifier will create condense as their droplet size is larger or more uneven.


dehumidification in growing room


If the condense issue is really bad, it can be necessary to install a dehumidifier. However, it is important to closely monitor that the humidity level stays high enough and stable.


Room sealing

It is important to keep the growing room sealed to avoid outside humidity levels from affecting the humidity level of the growing room. It is also important to insulate walls and ceilings to avoid cold surfaces to avoid cold surfaces where condensation might form.


Avoid condensation with AKIMist® Dry Fog humidification control

AKIMist is a Japanese invention which can produce droplets so small as >7.5μm due to the unique impingement nozzle. This way the humidification level can easily be controlled without causing condense. Due to an automatic sensor system, the humidity level can easily be set for the level fitting for the current growing stage of the cannabis plant. In addition, AKIMist is so compact (15 inch) that it can easily fit in a tight growing room or with a low ceiling construction. Even when installed relatively close to the plants, AKIMist will not cause any condense on the leaves. Want to find out more or temporily try out a portable system? Please contact us below.

Also please check out our other blog posts about humidification and cannabis cultivation:

What is the ideal humidity level for cannabis growth

Humidification for marijuana for medical use