December 16, 2024
Humidity control in libraries and museums

Books, manuscripts, and other paper-based materials are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, which makes humidity control in libraries or museums essential. Humidity levels especially tend to drop during the winter-time where levels can go way below the recommended ones.
Humidity control in libraries
The ideal humidity level in a library is between 40-50%. Paper is hygroscopic and absorps water. This means that if the air is too dry, the paper will not get enough moisture. This will cause the paper to loose its shape, curl, shrink and reduce the longevity. On the other hand, if the humidity level is too high, it can also damage the paper-based materials. A too high moisture level can lead to mold and degradation of the paper. In worst case, the high humidity will attract pests and insects which may eat holes in the books and paper-materials.
Humidity control in museums
Museums contain many different artifacts from paintings to sculptures, depending on the type of museum. They often display ancient and valuable items which need to be protected and conserved for many years to come. Since artifacts can be made of many different kinds of materials, this also has a influence on the ideal humidity level in the museum. However, in general, most artifacts thrive at a humidity level around 40-55%. In the below table you can see the recommended levels for the most common types of artifacts. Please consult us if you cannot find the recommended level of your specific item and material.
Dry Fog Humidity control in libraries and museums
With our AKIMist® Dry Fog humidifier, a constant humidity level can be achieved in a library or museum at all times. The humidifier is connected with a sensor which constantly measures the humidity level and turns the humidifier on and off. This makes this humidifier very energy efficient compared to a steam humidifier, which is on at all times. AKIMist uses only 1/5th the energy of a steam humidifier, which makes it the future-proof choice.
Advantages of AKIMist humidification control
- Energy-efficient
- Easy to install
- Non-wetting
- Cost-efficient
- Very little maintenance
- Future-proof
- Employed worldwide
- Japanese technology
- Made-in-Japan