April 3, 2022
Different types of spray nozzles

What are the different types of spray nozzles?
We generally differ between hydraulic and pneumatic when talking about spray nozzles. Hydraulic nozzles only use liquid pressure, whereas pneumatic nozzles use air and liquid pressure.
Hydraulic spray nozzles can be divided into 4 different types of spraying pattern:
- Flat fan
- Hollow cone
- Full cone
- Solid stream
Flat fan nozzles
Flat fan nozzles, also known as flat spray pattern nozzles, are know for their mountain-shaped spray pattern or even distribution. Read more here
- cleaning;
- spraying water or chemicals;
- cooling;
- paper or metal trimming, etc.
Hollow cone nozzles
Hollow cone nozzles are know for their donut-shaped spraying pattern. Read more here
- cleaning
- spraying water or chemicals
- cooling and washing gases
- cooling of fruits and vegetables in supermarkets and cold-storage production department
- humidifying and chemical reactions
- paper or metal trimming, etc.
Full cone nozzles
Full cone nozzles spray in a cone-shaped manner. As the name suggests, the entire surface is sprayed within the cone. Read more here
- cleaning
- spraying water or chemicals
- cooling
- paper or metal trimming
Solid stream nozzles
A solid stream nozzle spray in a constant solid stream. This can either be in a one-stream, two-stream or a 7-stream pattern. Read more here
- cleaning
- spraying water or chemicals
- cooling
- paper or metal trimming, etc
Pneumatic nozzles mix gases into liquids and atomize them into a spray using a high-pressure pump and an air compressor. They can be used for a wide variety of applications, as they can generate finer fogs than hydraulic spray nozzles and can also spray highly viscous liquids. They can be divided into 3 different types: Internal mixing type, external mixing types and impinging type.
Internal mixing type
In an internal mixing nozzle, the air and gas meet inside the nozzle and mix before it leaves the spray nozzle. This leads to a consistent droplet size and distribution generally with a mean droplet of 100 μm or less. Read more here
- Moisture control
- Dust suppression
- Cooling
- Cleaning
External mixing type
The external mixing type produce fine droplets sprayed in a fan pattern, featuring a structure that minimizes liquid dripping when the spray shuts off. These nozzles can be operated either by liquid pressurization or liquid suction. Read more here
- Spraying oil
- Spraying lubricant
- Spraying honey etc.
Impinging type
Atomized droplets are impinged against each other creating ultrasonic waves, which results in creation of a uniform distribution of even finer droplet sizes. Read more here
- Humidification
- Dust suppression
- Cooling
Need more help to find the ideal spray nozzle for your application? Try our guide on how to choose a spray nozzle:
Blog: How to choose a spray nozzle