Blog: Products and Systems

Air pollution remains an increasing concern across the world and more people are now expected to die from air-pollution than car wrecks. Air pollution is an all-year problem, but it is generally worse during wintertime. There are several reasons for this, but they all stem from the cold.

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flow rate diagram

What is the relationship between flow rate and pressure in spray nozzles?   Increasing the flow rate of a spray nozzle can help to improve the cleaning efficiency, increase the coverage of a spraying area, or help to achieve the desired coating or thickness. The relationship between flow rate and...

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humidification solutions

Adiabatic humidification refers to increasing humidity by adding cold water to the air, as oppose to isothermal humidification, where hot water (steam) is introduced into the air. In adiabatic humidification, cold water is atomized into tiny droplets which evaporates into the air. Since this evaporation process uses heat from the...

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Is your production taking a longer break, for example during the holiday season? Then remember to flush your AKIMist. During extended production breaks, such as the holiday season, it’s crucial to properly prepare your AKIMist®“E” Dry Fog Humidifier for idle periods to prevent the buildup of impurities that could compromise...

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Save energy and costs in your factory by optimizing your humidification system If you are looking for a way to optimize the energy use in your business and save money, it can be very profitable to look into your humidification system. There is a significant difference between steam humidification and...

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Consequences of static electricity Static electricity occurs more frequently during winter time, but it is an all-season problem for many production sites. Even a small level of static electricity barely felt by a human (less than 1KV) can cause serious issues and damages at a production site. Below are some...

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What are the different types of spray nozzles? We generally differ between hydraulic and pneumatic when talking about spray nozzles. Hydraulic nozzles only use liquid pressure, whereas pneumatic nozzles use air and liquid pressure. Hydraulic spray nozzles can be divided into 4 different types of spraying pattern: Flat fan   ...

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spraying nozzles vs. damaged nozzles

How to determine a good nozzle performance?  Nowadays as a consumer, we are constantly looking for faster delivery, cheaper price, quick response time, in order to be able to fit in a tight budget-and schedule. Living in a digital world, it is also quite easy to have access to goods...

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March 10, 2020

What is dry fog?

Dry Fog introduction Dry fog can be determined as water droplets of 10 micron or less. These droplets are non-wetting as they are so ultra-fine that they will bounce back without bursting on any surface. This makes it look more like smoke than fog.

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